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Technologies - Gasification

Advantages of Gasification

  • Gasification is an additional process step that not only produces a more easily used fuel form for power generation equipment, but provides the means to remove fuel components that are problems for downstream power generation systems.
  • Gasification gives biomass the flexibility to fuel a wide range of power systems: gas turbines, fuel cells, and reciprocating engines.
  • A wide variety of biomass materials can be gasified, many of which would be difficult or impossible to burn otherwise.
  • Gasification offers one means of processing waste fuels, many of which can be problematic. Gasification and conversion to energy is an outstanding alternative to expensive and environmentally unfavorable disposal in landfills.
  • It is easier to distribute and control a gaseous fuel.
  • Gasification coupled with advanced conversion cycles reduces air emissions per kWh of electricity produced.
  • A gaseous fuel allows biomass to leverage the high efficiency power generation capabilities of combined gas and steam cycle plants and fuel cells.



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